
Kathrin Aguilar Ruiz-Hofacker

Kathrin Aguilar Ruiz-Hofacker

iniForum GmbH

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Alessandro Aimar

Alessandro Aimar

Institute of Neuroinformatics, University of Zurich

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Chiara Bartolozzi

Chiara Bartolozzi

Istituto italiano di tecnologia

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Simone Benatti

Simone Benatti

University of Bologna

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Maik Berchten

Maik Berchten

iniForum GmbH

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Michael Berry

Michael Berry

Princeton University

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Sebastian Billaudelle

Sebastian Billaudelle

Kirchhoff-Institute for Physics, Heidelberg University

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Karla Burelo

Karla Burelo

Institute of Neuroinformatics

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Matteo Cartiglia

Matteo Cartiglia

Institute of Neuroinformatics

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Matteo Cartiglia

Matteo Cartiglia

Institute of Neuroinformatics

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Enea Ceolini

Enea Ceolini


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Yi-REN Chen

Yi-REN Chen


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Matthew Cook

Matthew Cook


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Erika Covi

Erika Covi

Politecnico di Milano

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Benjamin Cramer

Benjamin Cramer

Electronic Vision(s), Kirchhoff Institute for Physics Heidelberg

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Giulia D'Angelo

Giulia D'Angelo

Italian Institute of Technology

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Elisa Donati

Elisa Donati

Institute of Neuroinformatics INI

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Damien Drix

Damien Drix

Biocomputation Lab, University of Hertfordshire

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Piotr Dudek

Piotr Dudek

The University of Manchester

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Kynan Eng

Kynan Eng


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Florian Engert

Florian Engert


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Jakub Fil

Jakub Fil

University of Kent

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Charlotte Frenkel

Charlotte Frenkel

ICTEAM Institute, Université catholique de Louvain

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Daniel Gehrig

Daniel Gehrig

Robotics and Perception Group, University of Zurich & ETH Zurich

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Christos Giotis

Christos Giotis

University of Southampton

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Arren Glover

Arren Glover

Istituto Italiano di Tecnologi

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Hector Gonzalez

Hector Gonzalez

Technische Universität Dresden

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Álvaro González

Álvaro González

University of Granada

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Qinghai Guo

Qinghai Guo

Huawei Technologies

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Daniel Gutierrez-Galan

Daniel Gutierrez-Galan

University of Seville

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Germain Haessig

Germain Haessig

Institute of Neuroinformatics

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Xu He

Xu He

Jacobs University Bremen/DeepMind

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Michael Hopkins

Michael Hopkins

University of Manchester

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siohoi ieng

siohoi ieng

Vision institute - Sorbonne Université, UPMC

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Giacomo Indiveri

Giacomo Indiveri

University of Zurich and ETH Zurich

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David Kappel

David Kappel

TU Dresden

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Mahesh Karnani

Mahesh Karnani

Francis Crick Institute

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Lyes Khacef

Lyes Khacef


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Afshin Khalili

Afshin Khalili

Leibniz Institute of Neurobiology

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Jamie Knight

Jamie Knight

University of Sussex

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Sepp Kollmorgen

Sepp Kollmorgen

Institute of Neuroinformatics

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Renate Krause

Renate Krause

Institute of Neuroinformatics UZH/ETHZ

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Raphaela Kreiser

Raphaela Kreiser

Institute of Neuroinformatics, University Zurich, ETH Zurich

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Laura Kriener

Laura Kriener

University of Bern

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Alexander Kugele

Alexander Kugele

University Bielefeld, Neuromorphic Behaving Systems group and Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence, Renningen

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Zhaofang Li

Zhaofang Li

National Tsing Hua University

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Dongchen Liang

Dongchen Liang

Institute of Neuroinformatics, University of Zurich and ETH Zurich

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chen liu

chen liu

Chair of Highly-Parallel VLSI-Systems and Neuromorphic Circuits, TU Dresden

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Qian Liu

Qian Liu


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Chih-Cheng Lu

Chih-Cheng Lu

Industrial Technology Research Institute

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Valerio Mante

Valerio Mante

University of Zurich

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Josep Maria Margarit Taule

Josep Maria Margarit Taule

Institute of Neuroinformatics, University of Zurich and ETH Zurich

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Jean-Matthieu Maro

Jean-Matthieu Maro

Sorbonne Université

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Christian Mayr

Christian Mayr

TU Dresden

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Gabriela Michel

Gabriela Michel

Institute of Neuroinformatics

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Rebecca Miko

Rebecca Miko

Biocomputation Research Group, UH

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Moritz Milde

Moritz Milde

Institute of Neuroinformatics, University and ETH Zurich

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Marco Monforte

Marco Monforte

Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Università degli Studi di Genova

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Dylan Muir

Dylan Muir


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Emre Neftci

Emre Neftci

University of California, Irvine

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Carsten Nielsen

Carsten Nielsen

aiCTX AG, University of Zurich

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Mattias Nilsson

Mattias Nilsson

Luleå University of Technology

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Mattias Nilsson

Mattias Nilsson

Luleå University of Technology

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Thomas Nowotny

Thomas Nowotny

University of Sussex

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James O'Keeffe

James O'Keeffe

Newcastle University

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Omar Oubari

Omar Oubari

Sorbonne Université, INSERM, CNRS, Institut de la Vision, 17 rue Moreau, F-75012 Paris, France.

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Melika Payvand

Melika Payvand

Institute of Neuroinformatics

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Adam Perrett

Adam Perrett

SpiNNaker, Manchester

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Jenny Read

Jenny Read

Newcastle University

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Alpha Renner

Alpha Renner

Institute of Neuroinformatics, University of Zurich and ETH Zurich

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Barry Richmond

Barry Richmond


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Ole Richter

Ole Richter


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Antonio Rios-Navarro

Antonio Rios-Navarro

University of Seville

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Nicoletta Risi

Nicoletta Risi

Institute of Neuroinformatics (UZH-ETH)

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Vanessa Rodrigues Coelho Leite

Vanessa Rodrigues Coelho Leite

Institute of Neuroinformatics

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Yulia Sandamirskaya

Yulia Sandamirskaya

Institute of Neuroinformatics

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Michael Schmuker

Michael Schmuker

University of Hertfordshire

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Thorben Schoepe

Thorben Schoepe

Neuromorphic Behaving Systems, Technical Faculty, Bielefeld University, Germany

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Marcus Schüffny

Marcus Schüffny

TU Dresden

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Baris Serhan

Baris Serhan

the University of Manchester

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Joana Soldado Magraner

Joana Soldado Magraner

The Gatsbty Computational Neuroscience Unit

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Saray Soldado Magraner

Saray Soldado Magraner

Institute of Neuroinformatics Zurich

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Sergio Solinas

Sergio Solinas

Institute of NeuroInformatics

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Beck Strohmer

Beck Strohmer

University of Southern Denmark

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Samuel Sutton

Samuel Sutton

Hertfordshire University

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Sie Syuan Hao

Sie Syuan Hao


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Kea-Tiong  TANG

Kea-Tiong TANG

National Tsing Hua University

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Gemma Taverni

Gemma Taverni

University of Zurich

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Pau Vilimelis Aceituno

Pau Vilimelis Aceituno

Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences

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Niklas Vollmar

Niklas Vollmar

RWTH Aachen University

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Wei Chen Wei

Wei Chen Wei

National Tsing Hua University

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Oskar Weinberger

Oskar Weinberger

KTH Royal Institute of Technology

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Annika Weisse

Annika Weisse

Scientific Researcher at Chair of Highly-Parallel VLSI Systems and Neuro-Microelectronics at TU Dresden Germany

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Andreas Wild

Andreas Wild


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Jibin Wu

Jibin Wu

National University of Singapore

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Muhammad Yaqoob

Muhammad Yaqoob

Adam Mickiewicz University

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Zuo-Wei Yeh

Zuo-Wei Yeh

National Tsing Hua University

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Bojian Yin

Bojian Yin

The Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica

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Dmitrii Zendrikov

Dmitrii Zendrikov

Institute of Neuroinformatics, University of Zurich and ETH Zurich

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Jingyue Zhao

Jingyue Zhao

Institute of Neuroinformatics, University of Zurich and ETH Zurich

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